We are pleased to be able to pre­sent our up­com­ing events:
Whether you are look­ing for a tra­di­tional wine tast­ing with our cel­lar mas­ter, a tour through the his­toric monastery wine-cel­lar in Kiech­lins­ber­gen,
or plan­ning to visit the au­tumn fes­ti­val on our premises.

There’s plenty to do and ex­pe­ri­ence here through­out the year:
In au­tumn, the crown­ing glory of the end of har­vest is the so-called ‘Scher­lihängge’, which loosely trans­lates into ‘hang­ing of the se­ca­teurs’.
Our reg­u­lar party co­op­er­a­tion with local gin-dis­tillery Gold­bren­ner, has found a very loyal fan­base too, we're cur­rently col­lab­o­rat­ing bi-an­nu­ally, save the dates and check our cal­en­dar below.
Dive into the vil­lages' tra­di­tional his­tory and let your­self be in­spired by our pas­sion for ex­cel­lent wines.
Or sim­ply visit our Vinotheque, where qual­i­fied and knowl­edge­able staff mem­bers will guide you through our range of wines.
Don't miss the op­por­tu­nity to meet our cel­lar mas­ters in per­son and be in­spired by their ex­per­tise.


We cor­dially in­vite you to be­come part of our wine com­mu­nity and ex­pe­ri­ence un­for­get­table mo­ments with us.
Sub­scribe to our newslet­ter to stay up to date on our cur­rent events. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you soon!


Up­com­ing Events:

Wein & Gin Event with Goldbrenner - 18/11/2023 WG KÖNIGSCHAFFHAUSEN

Freshly made cock­tails with GOLD­BREN­NER spir­its
Wine from the WG Königschaffhausen-Kiech­lins­ber­gen
Wild Beats
De­li­cious spe­cial­i­ties from local baker Daniel Jenne
Su­perb party at­mos­phere


Date: 18/11/23
Infos and tick­ets avail­able via

We look for­ward to see­ing you soon!


Private wine tastings and cellar tours are possible upon request.
Please contact us on +49 (0)7642/9041-0 or info@kk-weine.de to book your tour.